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 1. CBC  The One Another's and Global Missions  2009 Summer Retreat 
 2. Russell Moore  Warfare in Global Missions  2006JBC 
 3. David Platt  Global Missions Week - What Happens To Those Who Never Hear The Gospel? - Romans 15:20-24  SEBTS Chapel Spring 2010 
 4. Dr Ian Goldin  Global Shocks, Global Solutions: Meeting 21st Century Challenges  LSE: Public lectures and events 
 5. Pfarrer Hans Spiegl  von global dimming - global warming, und dass alles sehr kompliziert ist ...  podcast 
 6. Zbigniew Brzezinski  The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership  Carnegie Council Program 
 7. Gary Dester  Missions  Choose Your Own Adventure 
 8. Paul Weresch  Missions  Special Speaker 
 9. Pastor Daniel Au  The ABC's of Missions   
 10. Pastor Daniel Au  The ABC's of Missions   
 11. Nan Muhovich  Missions Emphasis   
 12. Mike Gibson  Giving to Missions  2009-03-18 
 13. Don Sharpe  Missions Sunday   
 14. Missionary Phil Hunt  Biblical Missions  Harvest Baptist Church 
 15. Frank Dennison  22- Paradigm for Missions  Acts 
 16. Bro. Pat Gordon  Myths About Missions   
 17. Bro. Lawrence  Jewish Missions  Blessed Hope Baptist Church 
 18. Albert N. Martin  In Evangelism and Missions  A Manifesto of Trinity Baptist Church 
 19. Bro. Lawrence  Jewish Missions  Blessed Hope Baptist Church 
 20. AU Faculty and Students  AU Missions Presentation   
 21. Missionary Phil Hunt  Biblical Missions  Harvest Baptist Church 
 22. Nan Muhovich  Missions Emphasis  North Central University Chapel 
 23. Jack Shanahan  Training and the first few missions  Memoirs 
 24. Gil Mantera's Party Dream  Alligator Missions  Bloodsongs 
 25. Kent Newsome & Ronnie Jeffrey  King of Missions  Demo 
 26. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  The Authority For Missions  Sunday Sermon 
 27. Don Sharpe  Missions Sunday   
 28. Dr. Pat Creed  The Importance Of Missions  Adult Sunday School 
 29. Kent Newsome & Ronnie Jeffrey  King of Missions  Demo 
 30. David Gates  Extreme Missions: Part 2  Extreme Missions: Taking the Gospel to New Frontiers 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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